2002 Christmas Card (For Author/Illustrator’s then-Fiancée)
Long story short, but in 2000-2001, I was a single guy in my 20s and on dating sites. But I was not finding much luck in my own country — different goals for one, as even though I considered myself good looking, in good shape, healthy, happy, very loyal and loving, I didn’t have much money and saved what I had by living with my parents and working for their small business, and that seemed to turn every US girl I ever dated off immediately. So I expanded to other countries just for the heck of it. I knew women in other countries may have different values and goals than here, so I figured I had nothing to lose.

If I ever find the colorized version, I’ll upload it.
In September 2001, I met a girl online — I was in Upstate NY and she was in Thailand. She wrote me first, she seemed perfect, we had mutual attraction, and we chatted for a few months. During this time, I even refused to date a few interested American girls (friends of a girl my brother was dating) because I was loyal to this girl on the other side of the planet. But after a few months, she lost contact with me and I started to suspect the worst.
I then reached out to help find her and wrote the ONLY person on ICQ that was online in that region of Thailand in September 2002. It happed to be another Thai girl in a University there nicknamed ‘Aou’. She helped me find out that this girl wound up being as dishonest, non-committal and untrustworthy as any girl that I had tried to date in the US! Worse, because she was apparently married to one guy in Europe (he was older, but had money), chatting with me in the US (I was young, but no money), and then left us both for an in-between — a moderately aged man with money in Europe. I should’ve seen it coming, but I was both heartbroken that I lost what I thought was a sweet girlfriend and potential wife, but I was also even angry that I was lied to and missed out on dating a few girls in my own hometown being needlessly loyal to someone who not only played me, but at least two other dudes all over the world. If I knew of two, there were doubtlessly many more.
Well, Aou and myself chatted pretty much every day (hers) and night (mine). She was every bit as attractive as the 1st girl — no, I’d dare say MORE so — and I was falling for her, and it seemed to be mutual. I drew this for our 1st ‘online dating’ Christmas (and also colored it, but that colored version is currently M.I.A. — if/when found, I’ll upload it). We kept chatting for around two years before I visited her in 2004, stayed there a month to see her and her country, friends and family, and I was hooked for life. I applied for a fiancée visa the day I returned home. She came to the US later that year and we married in 2005.
It’s cute to look back on years later, as we’ve been married ever since — she even stuck with me through what no American girls would (staying with my parents to save money for a home) — and we started a small business, bought our home, and have had two wonderful and perfect little girls since then.
Oh… what happened to the 1st girl in the story? Two kids and divorced, sadly. She wrote me one day (oddly enough, when Aou visited her family back home), and I forgave her and we became social media friends, but she deleted me later on.
I was wrong about one thing in the 1st sentence though… it wound up being a long story, even trying to keep it short, it was still complex and hard to keep brief. Oh, well.